I used to ask myself Why? Why did I want so badly to start another business. Do you want to know Why... because I believe in this company and the values and integrity of Heritage Makers. We strive on helping others preserve their heritage through storybooks.
Soon after I was married, my sister had been in town from Ohio and I brought ALL my wedding photos over to my mom's house so my sister could look through my wedding album. She left and not thinking twice about it, I just left my album there sitting on the coffee table in my mom's family room. July 14, 2004, at 2:13 AM, my mom's house was hit by lightning. It was the very first monsoon storm of the season. And within 7 minutes the house was completely destroyed and had burned down to the ground with ALL my Wedding Pictures still sitting on the coffee table in the family room.
When I got to the house I tried running inside and the firefighters held me back. I wanted so badly to rescue all my mom's things. (I had taken her to the airport that morning). When the salvage company walked out of that house with my album, I was so sick to my stomach. I cried about the fire, but kept my composure. When I saw my album, I lost it. A house fire was my biggest fear as a little child and now I was facing that harsh reality. Alone, my family was all out of town. I was swamped with the media who wanted interviews about how I felt about the house burning down. How did they think I felt?
I encourage all of you to get your photos scanned to preserve your memories and not let them fade away.
Four years later, I found Heritage Makers and was able to remake my wedding album. It cost me only $69 plus the $25 for Studio Premier. That was way better than the $750+ is was going to cost to remake a traditional scrapbook.
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